
Angie Hong and Peter Choi
Theme/Lens: Faith, Justice, and Asian American Identities. “Asian American” is a woefully inadequate, “completely flattening” (according to a recent Vox article), and still helpful label for making sense of the past and present for people of Asian descent in America. Just as it is hard to define what it means to be “Asian American,” it is difficult to understand what seeking faith and learning justice might mean for Asian Americans. This cohort will be a space of mutual support and collaborative learning as we explore matters of faith, justice, and identity together.
Meeting Time: Thursdays 5:00-6:00pm PT / 8:00-9:00pm ET (2x each month)
Angie Hong is a worship leader, writer, and speaker focusing on identity, theology, and worship. She co-founded Kinship Commons, a worship collective centering BIPOC and has written for Faith and Leadership and The Atlantic.
Peter Choi is director of the Faith and Justice Network, on the Core Doctoral Faculty at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, and author of George Whitefield: Evangelist for God and Empire.

D.L. Mayfield and Krispin Mayfield
Theme/Lens: Deconstructing White Evangelicalism. This group is for folks looking to retain elements of the Christian faith while doing the work of unpacking the ideologies of white evangelicalism. Understanding the ways these insidious theologies have impacted us on a personal and systemic level is important if we want to imagine that another world is possible. This cohort will make space for processing the past and present, identifying dominant culture theology in our own lives, and making connections to the ethics of white Christian nationalism making continuous headlines.
Meeting Time: Thursdays 6:00-7:00pm PT / 9:00-10:00pm ET (2x each month)
D.L. Mayfield is an author who focuses on white evangelicalism and the ethics of (un)neighborliness, and who is currently in the deconstruction process herself.
Krispin Mayfield is a trauma-informed therapist who recently wrote a book on attachment theory and evangelical theology, and why white evangelicalism in particular sets us up for insecure attachment with the Divine.

Julie Rodgers
Theme/Lens: Reimagining Belonging. The queer community has expanded our imagination for what’s possible in every sphere of society: in our politics, friendships, romantic relationships, and faith communities. By nature of existing outside of the mainstream narratives, our elders have dreamed up alternative ways of belonging to one another—relationships rooted in mutuality, equity, and generosity. In this cohort, we’ll explore questions of love and belonging through the expansive lenses offered to us by the queer community.
Meeting Time: Tuesdays 5:00-6:00pm PT / 8:00-9:00pm ET (2x each month)
Julie is a Teaching Fellow at the Faith and Justice Network and a writer and speaker on faith and sexuality. She has a Masters in English from the University of Dallas and she’s written about topics related to LGBTQ Christians in The New York Times and Washington Post, among other publications. Previously, Julie served in the Chaplain’s Office at Wheaton College and worked in high school ministry in West Dallas. She is the author of Outlove: A Queer Christian Survival Story.

Mira Sawlani-Joyner
Theme/Lens: Trauma-Informed Faith and Justice. You might have heard the saying “hurt people, hurt people.” A faithful Christian public witness to issues of social justice must begin from an inward journey of healing in order to inform our outward journey as healers. In this cohort, we will discover how our spiritual practices can bring awareness to both the hidden and unhidden wounds that we carry. It is in confronting our inward wounds that we are able to connect with the wounds of others from a place of compassion. From a trauma-informed approach, our response to justice issues can interrupt cycles of violence that allow for injustice to continue generation after generation. In this cohort, we will work together to cultivate a space for healing in our commitment towards developing a trauma-informed approach to social justice.
Meeting Time: Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm PT / 9:00-10:00pm ET (2x each month)
Mira Sawlani-Joyner is a Hong Kong born, “third culture kid” of Indian and Philippine heritage. Navigating multi-cultural spaces has been her lived experience and has informed her work in ministry in Hong Kong and Australia, and as the former Community Pastor in Forefront Church in Brooklyn, NY. She currently serves as the Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation at Peace Fellowship Church, a church committed to working with community organizers and activists to end gun violence in Washington, DC through its social justice arm, Peace Walks DC. She is also a recent MDiv grad of Wesley Theological Seminary, where she specialized in Public Theology.

Peter Choi
Theme/Lens: Open Cohort. This cohort welcomes persons from diverse backgrounds to create a space of openness and curiosity as we ponder the various topics we cover each month in the Faith and Justice Fellowship. We will emphasize awareness of social location, cultivate common understanding, and practice appreciation for the profound differences among us. All are welcome to envision new ways of being community together.
Meeting Time: TBD, will coordinate with cohort members to find a time (2x each month)
Peter Choi is director of the Faith and Justice Network, on the Core Doctoral Faculty at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, and author of George Whitefield: Evangelist for God and Empire.

Riana Shaw Robinson and V Kehoe
Theme/Lens: Flourishing as Women of Color. This is an intentional community of Women and GNB folks of color that are navigating contexts dominated by whiteness. We’ll center the voices, experiences, and writings of Women of color and GNB folks of color to seek wisdom, faith, solidarity, and wholeness. You can expect a time of laughter, real talk, and a bit of a critical edge. This cohort welcomes both alumni and first-timers.
Meeting Time: 2nd Thursday + 4th Tuesday 6:00-7:30pm PT / 9:00-10:30pm ET
Riana Shaw Robinson is a preacher, pastor, and prophet. Riana is passionate about speaking the truth in love, offering a constant invitation for people to see themselves as beloved, and providing various ways to respond to the command to love God, self, and neighbor. Riana recently served as the Associate Pastor of Formation and Oakland City Church (OCC) where she spearheaded efforts to help the community live more deeply into its anti-racist values. Riana is an East Bay native, a mom of four, and a graduate of Mills College and Pacific School of Religion.
V Kehoe lives in Union City, CA (her hometown!) and loves improving systems, going dancing, building communities, engaging in countercultural spiritual practices, and looking back to see that her community is more Christ-like than it was 10 years ago. She has been involved with the Faith and Justice Network since 2009. In her professional life she has been a teacher, a family ministry leader, a technology consultant, a QA engineer, and a product manager.