Three Levels of Engagement
Join the network anytime for our monthly units, which can stand on their own or be part of a longer journey. Or do the fellowship with a cohort of peers. Or take a year to do the academic track and take a dip into seminary education.
Overview of the Year
There are two major themes that frame our activities over the course of the year: Spiritual Theology in the fall and Public Theology in the winter/spring. All of the core activities are fully online; there are three optional in-person gatherings in different parts of the country throughout the year. We encourage everyone to make it to at least one gathering as it deeply enriches the work we do online.
FALL / Spiritual Theology
The Way of Jesus
Develop spiritual and theological wisdom for life with God, focusing on all of life as time- and place-bound to shape the ways we approach telling our stories, reading Scripture, and building a life of prayer and contemplative practices in the way of Jesus.
KEY QUESTION: How do I love God?
TOPICS: Culture, Place, Prayer, Bible, Vocation
The Work of Justice
Explore Christianity as a public faith that prioritizes the common good – with an interdisciplinary approach drawing on history, politics, science, as well as religion – to understand and address common obstacles to human flourishing for the good of the world.
KEY QUESTION: How do I love my neighbors?
TOPICS: Race, Gender, Art, Multi-Faith Society, Storytelling
Key Elements of the Program
The fellowship year consists of two seasons, inviting us to explore two overarching themes: faith and justice. Each month, we focus on a topic that helps us delve deeper into a particular aspect of the theme. There are a variety of activities to support learning and conversation over the course of the year:
- monthly webinars*
- fireside chats*
- bi-weekly podcast
- curated readings
- mini lectures
- embodied practices
Everyone is invited to contribute to the online discussions. Some participants are part of a cohort (learn more here). If you are interested in leading a cohort from your church or network, please contact us.
*Activities marked with an asterisk are synchronous, and ideally participants would join at the scheduled time, though recordings will be available after the event as well. Please note that most other fellowship activities are asynchronous, meaning you can do them on your own at a flexible time that works best for you.
The Year at a GlanceStarting Points
Who are we, and how did we get here? We’ll examine the places and times that have shaped our lives to see God at work in all of it. In doing this work, we’ll discover that a deeper understanding of our present moment helps us walk in the way of Jesus.
SEPTEMBERThe Long Journey
Following Jesus will take us places beyond our wildest imagination and require of us the spiritual practice of locating ourselves on a long historical trajectory. Taking stock of our past will prepare us to look to the future with hope.
OCTOBERThe Inward Journey
To avoid a navel-gazing spirituality will require not turning away from ourselves but looking more deeply into ourselves. We’ll learn about specific resources and practices that help us along the spiritual life: contemplative prayer, lectio divina, the Enneagram, and more.
NOVEMBERThe Outward Journey
Just as there is breathing in and breathing out, the inward journey leads to the outward journey in the spiritual life. We’ll learn about how life with God moves us out toward the world by seeing once more how the good news of Christianity is good news for all people.
DECEMBERThe Future of Faith (Interim)
As we begin a new year, we'll spend the month thinking about five different shifts already happening in our community and the world. Neither a vision for the next generation nor even a roadmap for the next five or ten years, our goal will be more modest and much more important: As we step into tomorrow with faith, we'll be asking throughout the month, “How can we find our way together?”
Winter Conference: Our annual winter conference happens Fri-Sat the last weekend of January each year. Please check our blog for the latest details.
JANUARYArt and Justice
Because justice calls forth creativity in building a new, better world in ways that our intellects can hardly imagine today, artists can offer critical contributions. If the status quo seems permanent to some of us, artists among us have always known better. How do creatives deepen and widen our perspective on justice? We will learn from artists already doing the work of making new things.
FEBRUARYGender and Justice
Despite Jesus proclaiming good news for all people and including women in ways that were radical for his context, Christianity has too often served to perpetuate patriarchy and even misogyny. What is the relationship between Christian faith and gender, sexuality, and justice? How can Christian spirituality heal and restore what has been broken in the most intimate areas of our life?
MARCHJustice in a Multi-Faith World
Jesus showed deep interest in building relationships with people who held different viewpoints of the world, not in eradicating their worldviews. How is learning about world Christianity (or Christianities) essential for the work of justice? What about inter-religious dialogue and relationships? What does translation, contextualization, and epistemological humility have to do with the call of Christian faith to share good news?
APRILBiography, Storytelling, and Justice
Stories matter for the work of justice, and yet it’s a complicated matter to tell the stories of people who committed their lives to build a better world. How can we tell their stories without resorting to hagiography (writing about saints and heroes)? And how can we remember the complexities of people, including their inevitable blindspots and shortcomings, and still learn from those who have gone before us?
MAYJoin Us on the Journey
And become part of a vibrant community of spiritual formation and mutual support that spans across the world, tackling hard questions and seeking the common good…