
Reimagining Theological Education

The curriculum of the academic track is essentially the Faith and Justice Fellowship with additional academic content and assignments (written reflections, oral presentations, academic papers, etc.). We have established strategic partnerships with a number of academic institutions across the United States to offer our students diverse pathways to degree programs. Learn more about the fellowship curriculum and the academic track for those discerning a call to seminary education here. And feel free to reach out to us with any questions or if you just want to talk about your sense of calling. 


It is possible to do the work of the fellowship for advanced standing with credit at one of our partner seminaries:

  • Austin Theological Seminary
  • Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
  • San Francisco Theological Seminary
  • Western Theological Seminary 

Upon satisfactory review of student portfolios by the partner seminaries, students will receive advanced standing with credit toward an M.Div. or M.A. program. 

Certificate: Students who wish to take the courses as a standalone program will receive a Certificate in Public Theology upon completion of the Faith and Justice Fellowship – Academic Track. The certificate program is especially well-suited for non-ordained church leadership positions.

Our students have gone on to study at each of our partner seminaries above as well as Luther Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary, Union Seminary (NYC), and Wesley Theological Seminary. 

Tuition: The Academic Cohort of the Faith and Justice Fellowship is eight academic units. Tuition for the year is $3,200 ($400/credit). The program involves academic work under faculty supervision leading to advanced standing at one of our partner seminaries. Additional elective courses may be available over the course of the year. 

Other Costs: Students should also plan on book purchases ($200 over the course of the year). Optional retreats and other regional gatherings will have separate registration fees. 

Payment Schedule: Participants make quarterly payments of their remaining tuition balance after the application fee and enrollment deposit. 

Scholarships are available; we encourage early application for full consideration. 

Considering Seminary?

The Academic Cohort of the Faith and Justice Fellowship is a part-time, cohort-based, distance learning pre-seminary program you can do from anywhere in the world. 

Is it possible to study theology in a way that brings us closer to the joys and sorrows of the world? Can we learn from the past without getting stuck in an echo chamber? What about reading texts and listening to voices from across the world beyond our little corner? In the academic track of the Faith and Justice Fellowship, our answer to all of these questions is an enthusiastic YES. If these questions intrigue you, we hope you’ll join us as we reimagine theological education for the good of the world.

Join the Academic Cohort

Certificate in Public Theology

You can join us in the fall for a regular academic year or in the middle of the year. Our schedule is flexible and each course is a rich, standalone experience with a cohort. A Certificate in Public Theology is awarded upon completion of all three courses. 

The Way of Jesus
SPIRITUAL THEOLOGY | Develop spiritual and theological wisdom for life with God, focusing on all of life as time- and place-bound in order to shape the ways we approach telling our stories, reading Scripture, and building a life of prayer and contemplative practices.
The Work of Justice
PUBLIC THEOLOGY | Explore Christianity as a public faith that prioritizes the common good – with an interdisciplinary approach drawing on history, politics, science, as well as religion – to understand and address common obstacles to human flourishing.
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