In the beginning, God made the world good. It’s a beautiful opening we have in the Bible, even if much of what follows is hard to understand. After all, none of us has the whole story. What we do know is that the way of Jesus and the work of justice are two prominent themes of scripture we can ill afford to ignore in this world of beauty and sorrows. And so together, we are seeking faith and learning justice, which is another way of saying we are pursuing a more beautiful, diverse, expansive, and liberating vision of Christian faith in the world.


a more expansive vision of christian spirituality

“We are pursuing a more beautiful, diverse, expansive, and liberating vision of Christian faith in the world.”

F + J Fellowship

The Faith and Justice Fellowship is a nine-month program for people looking for a more expansive vision of Christian spirituality and public witness. For laypersons, students, and ministry leaders. Learn more here.

F + J Network

The Faith and Justice Network is a community of fellowship alumni, who have committed to share in an ongoing journey. Learn more here

The Invitation

Does a more expansive vision of Christian spirituality sound appealing to you? How about engaging in critical reflection of past traditions, centering voices from marginalized communities, nurturing theological humility, and building collaborative movements that work for restoration and renewal in communities around the world? If so, we hope you will join us!

Pastors, Scholars, Activists, Writers

Core Teaching Team

Featured Speakers

Anthea Butler

For our unit on "The Long Journey," we'll talk with history professor Anthea Butler (University of Pennsylvania) about how we got to today and where we might go from here.

Kelly Brown Douglas

For our unit on "Race and Justice," we'll talk with the Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas (Union Theological Seminary, NYC) about her forthcoming book to be released in Spring 2022.

And many more! You can expect to hear from thought leaders on the growing edge of their field, tackling the most pressing questions of our time. Past speakers include: Kristin Kobes Du Mez, Lisa Sharon Harper, Pete Enns, Khyati Joshi, Miroslav Volf, Paul LimAustin Channing Brown, Willie James Jennings, and many others. 

The Way of Jesus
SPIRITUAL THEOLOGY | Develop spiritual and theological wisdom for life with God, focusing on all of life as time- and place-bound in order to shape the ways we approach telling our stories, reading Scripture, and building a life of prayer and contemplative practices.
The Work of Justice
PUBLIC THEOLOGY | Explore Christianity as a public faith that prioritizes the common good – with an interdisciplinary approach drawing on history, politics, science, as well as religion – to understand and address common obstacles to human flourishing.

Start Your Journey

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