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Exhibit Table
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5-min Stage Time
Social Media Posts
Sponsored Email to Attendees
Complimentary Tickets (2x)
Exhibit Table
Listing on Event Web Page
Social Media Post
Sponsored Email to Attendees
Gathering Description: The Faith and Justice Network is an online learning community comprised of hundreds of people across the world. Approximately three times a year, we host in-person gatherings in different parts of the United States featuring authors and speakers who are part of our curriculum. While the core event is a smaller, intimate learning community, there may be one or more events that are open to the public for broader engagement.
Audience You’re Reaching: A gathering of 50-80 participants comprised of clergy and laity, many pursuing theological education through the Faith and Justice Network, curious about pursuing a formal degree program in theology. Participants are deeply engaged in justice issues and come from all over North America. In addition, you will also reach our 250+ network members and 1500+ social media audience.
Questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@faithjustice.net.